
Do you know what day it is today? It is 11/11 or what is the same, the internationally known as Single's Day. It's World Singles Day, the perfect date to give yourself something you've been wanting all year.

That's why at La Torre Outlet Zaragoza we make it easy for you: we offer you the best brands with unique discounts. And in case you don't know which garment or accessory to choose, we have prepared a selection of items that you will love.

Take a look at our 11/11 promotions, enjoy this date and give yourself that whim you deserve so much.


As we want to make this celebration even more special, we have prepared a surprise on our social networks with which you can win a set of fantastic prizes. You simply have to access our Instagram or Facebook and tell us what is the best and worst thing about being single for you.

Finally, remember that at La Torre Outlet Zaragoza, we have implemented all the security measures so that your outdoor shopping is a unique experience full of glamor and fashion.

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